If you are looking for a permanent solution to replace your missing or damaged teeth, you may have heard of Clear Choice Dental Implants. Clear Choice Dental Implants are a type of implant-supported dentures that are custom-made for each patient and can be completed in one day. They offer several advantages over other types of dental implants, such as faster treatment time, less invasive procedures, and more affordable pricing.

However, before you decide to get Clear Choice Dental Implants, you may have some questions about their cost and coverage. How much do they cost, and does Clear Choice take insurance? In this article, we will answer these questions and more, so you can make an informed decision about your dental health.

What are Clear Choice Dental Implants?

Clear Choice Dental Implants are a type of implant-supported dentures that are designed to look and feel like natural teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, which rest on the gums and can slip or cause irritation, Clear Choice Dental Implants are securely attached to the jawbone with titanium posts. This provides a stable and comfortable fit, as well as improved chewing and speaking abilities.

Clear Choice Dental Implants are custom-made for each patient at a Clear Choice Center, which is a specialized facility that offers everything you need for a successful treatment under one roof. At the Clear Choice Center, you will have a team of experts who will evaluate your dental condition, take 3D scans and digital impressions of your mouth, perform the surgical placement of the implants, fabricate and fit the prosthetic teeth, and provide post-operative care and adjustments.

Clear Choice Dental Implants can be completed in one day, which means you can walk out of the Clear Choice Center with a new smile in just a few hours. This is possible because Clear Choice uses advanced technology and techniques that allow them to use fewer implants and less bone grafting than other types of implants. This reduces the risk of complications and discomfort, as well as the healing time.

Clear Choice Dental Implants also have a fixed price that includes all the necessary procedures, materials, and follow-up care. This makes them more affordable than other types of implants, which may have hidden fees or vary depending on the dentist and the location. Clear Choice also offers payment plans and financing options to help you pay for your treatment over time.

How Much Do Clear Choice Dental Implants Cost?

The cost of Clear Choice Dental Implants depends on several factors, such as the number of teeth that need to be replaced, the condition of the jawbone, and the location of the Clear Choice Center. According to Real Self, the average cost of Clear Choice Dental Implants in 2023 was $39,513, but it could range from $25,000 to $50,000 or more.

The cost of Clear Choice Dental Implants includes everything you need for a successful treatment, such as:

  • The initial consultation and evaluation
  • The 3D CT scan and digital impressions
  • The surgical placement of the implants
  • The fabrication and fitting of the prosthetic teeth
  • The anaesthesia and sedation
  • The post-operative care and adjustments
  • The lifetime warranty

Unlike other types of dental implants, which may require multiple visits and months of healing, Clear Choice Dental Implants can be done in one day. This means you only have to pay for one procedure, one anaesthesia session, and one set of prosthetic teeth. This can save you time and money in the long run.

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Does Clear Choice Take Insurance?

One of the most common questions that people have about Clear Choice Dental Implants is whether they accept insurance or not. The answer is that Clear Choice Centers (part of the Clear Choice network) don’t accept dental insurance, but they do offer payment plans so you can pay overtime. You could also finance your treatment with CareCredit, a healthcare credit card that allows you to pay for medical expenses in monthly installments.

However, this does not mean that you cannot use your insurance at all. Some medical insurance plans will cover some of the cost of dental implants if you have documented medical complications resulting from tooth loss. For example, if you have diabetes, heart disease, or osteoporosis that are worsened by your dental condition, you may be eligible for some reimbursement from your medical insurance.

To find out if your medical insurance covers any part of your ClearChoice Dental Implant treatment, you will need to contact your insurance provider and ask them about their policies and requirements. You will also need to get a letter from your doctor explaining how your dental implants are medically necessary for your health. You may also need to submit some documentation from your ClearChoice Center, such as your treatment plan and invoice.

If your medical insurance does cover some of your expenses, you will need to pay for your treatment upfront at the ClearChoice Center and then file a claim with your insurance company for reimbursement. The amount and timing of your reimbursement will depend on your insurance plan and provider.


Clear Choice Dental Implants are a great option for people who want to restore their smile and confidence with permanent, natural-looking teeth. However, they are not cheap, and they are not covered by dental insurance. If you are considering getting Clear Choice Dental Implants, you will need to budget accordingly and explore your financing options. You may also be able to use your medical insurance if you have a valid medical reason for getting dental implants.

If you want to learn more about Clear Choice Dental Implants, you can visit their website or find a Clear Choice Center near you. You can also read reviews from real patients who have undergone this treatment on RealSelf.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Clear Choice Dental Implants:

  • How long do Clear Choice Dental Implants last?

Clear Choice Dental Implants can last a lifetime with proper care. However, they may need some adjustments or repairs over time, depending on your oral hygiene, lifestyle, and habits. You will need to visit your Clear Choice Center regularly for check-ups and maintenance.

  • Are Clear Choice Dental Implants painful?

Clear Choice Dental Implants are not painful during the procedure, as you will be under anaesthesia or sedation. You may experience some discomfort or swelling after the surgery, but this can be managed with painkillers and ice packs. You will also be given instructions on how to care for your implants and avoid infections.

  • What are the risks or complications of Clear Choice Dental Implants?

Clear Choice Dental Implants have a high success rate and a low risk of complications. However, as with any surgery, there are some possible risks or complications, such as:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Nerve damage
  • Sinus problems
  • Implant failure
  • Allergic reaction

If you notice any signs of these problems, such as fever, pain, numbness, or pus, you should contact your Clear Choice Center immediately.

  • Can I eat anything with Clear Choice Dental Implants?

Clear Choice Dental Implants allow you to eat almost anything with confidence and comfort. However, you should avoid hard, sticky, or crunchy foods that could damage your implants or prosthetic teeth. You should also avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs that could affect your healing or oral health.

  • How do I clean my Clear Choice Dental Implants?

You should clean your Clear Choice Dental Implants as you would your natural teeth. You should brush them twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste. You should also floss them daily with a special floss or a water flosser. You should also rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash after eating or drinking.


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